Friday, May 25, 2012

I just want to share a few things, we all live in a community where we have many people around us, few of them become so close to us that we feel they are our best friend and some of them we ignore but for them we are special. But just think what would those people feel whom we ignore or not give importance.

We are some times been ignored by the person whom we care about and we are hurt. We think we are broken now, our lives have come to an end. We been betrayed by our friends whom we think are our world.

We tend to ask them questions like " If I was dying…Would you even come to say goodbye??" Dont you think we are wasting out time behind those people who don't even deserve this. 

I believe in the words said by Martin Luther, " Each betrayal starts with trust". 

But being a human i would feel and say, " "I wish I could walk away and forget what we have,but I can't,because I know you won't come after me,and I guess that's what hurts the most."

Hey Guys i am back after a long time.... How are you all????